Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Galveston Memories.....

So in the process of researching Galveston for a mini "baby moon vacation," I cannot help myself from reflecting on my childhood vacations there EVERY year.  We stayed in a trailer house on stilts (basically) that was owned by my Great Aunt Ann called "Thrush."  I just found an image of it on Google Maps.  We would pack so many people in that house, like 20+.  It was 2 bedroom, 1 bath, great patios and a short walk to the beach - multiple families and oh my gosh the memories!!!  To be back in a place where nothing mattered and you always had fun - childhood.  I hope to pass memories like these onto my children one day.  Feeling peaceful....


Monday, May 6, 2013

B is for Boat Baby....

I am really trying to get back in swing of things on this blog and all that consumes me these days is BABY, BABY, BABY!  I thought this would be a cute post, since I love being on boats, lakes, water etc. and so does Keeton.  So here it goes, B is for BOAT BABY!

I grew up on the lake!  It was such a big part of my child hood and I wouldn't change that for anything!  I started skiing when I was 6!  I really, really love the water!  Keeton does too and he grew up on water all the time as well.  We even got married on the lake - so there ya go!  So many people do not have experiences like ours and for that we are very thankful!  Soooo.... all of that being said, it is only appropriate that our children will grow up going to the lake and being on the water all the time too!  Our child will be in swim lessons as soon as it is allowed!  We have a pool in our back yard too - so that is crucial on many levels.  Keeton and I are so lucky that both sets of our parents have boats - so again, our baby will be on boats often!  =)  Which leads me to this BIG DAY FOR US!  Our baby took it's first boat ride on my Dad's / Grandaddy's Baja for the first time this past weekend!  He or she can now hear things too - so I know it could hear the engine roar!  The vibrations were probably soothing to him or her.  They are to me!  =))  Now, for all of you who know, my Dad's boat can go REALLY fast, of course we didn't do that this weekend, just a nice relaxing and safe ride.... GOOD FOR THE SOUL (and baby's soul)!  

Anyways, here are some fun pictures, I thought you might all enjoy.  I don't have a picture of Keeton when he was young on the water, but I know they are out there!  I really think I will try and incorporate some of these old pictures in our babies nursery too! 

My Mom and me on Lake Athens, probably around 1988-1989, 3-4 years old.  I think we still have this life jacket.
My baby bump at almost a complete 4 months (5.3.13) - in one of my fav. shirts - seemed fitting for this post. 
Baby Moore's FIRST BOAT RIDE - 5.4.13 - Lake Athens

Monday, April 22, 2013

B is for Baby!!!!!!!!

Can you believe it?!?!?!  Keeton and I are going to have a baby!!  And Maverick is going to be a big sister!  We are beyond excited and ready for this new chapter in our lives.  We have shared the news with our families, friends and co-workers and now its time for everyone to know - the facebook land!  We have kept our mouths shut (SO HARD) during the first trimester, to be on the extra safe side, but now I am officially in the 2nd trimester, have completed my 13th week and well into my 14th week.  I have been to the doctor 3 times now.  We have had 2 sonograms and heard the heart beat twice!  THESE ARE SUCH AMAZING THINGS!  I honestly cannot wait to be a Mom and I will do EVERYTHING in my power to be the best I can be!  I know my KeeNasty will be such a great Daddy-O too!  We have a great support system and again, just soooooo excited!!!