Wednesday, April 25, 2012

B is for my 27th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

I love love love Birthday's and of course, I love my Birthday too!  I thought I would dedicate a blog to all the things I am thankful for!  I have lived a great, interesting 27 years and unlike alot of really great musicians I hope I live to celebrate many, many more bdays!  Everytime I hear 27, I think of those peeps - Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kurt Kobain, Jim Morrison, Amy Winehouse, etc.  They are all part of the 27 Club.  I am pretty sure I don't live a life like they did though! 
So onto my post, here is a list (and I am sure I will miss something) of all the things I am thankful for:
  1. God
  2. My KeeNasty and all the things he provides for me, emotionally, phycially, mentally
  3. My Mom
  4. My Dad
  5. My Step-Mom
  6. Leon
  7. Penny
  8. Tricia
  9. Danny
  10. Lee
  11. My late Mamaw
  12. My late Papaw
  13. My late Grandaddy
  14. My Gamma
  15. Faye
  16. Keeton's late MeeMaw
  17. Keeton's Papa
  18. Keeton's Grandma
  19. Keeton's other Papa
  20. Jennifer
  21. Liz
  22. Elyse
  23. Tish
  24. John C.
  25. Kyle
  26. Kendall
  27. Caroline
  28. Jacob
  29. Cadyn
  30. Bella
  31. All my extended family and Keeton's too
  32. My home
  33. My pool
  34. My dog, Maverick
  35. My belongings inside my home and out
  36. My job
  37. My office
  38. TCU as a whole
  39. My co-workers
  40. My bosses
  41. My previous jobs and co-workers there
  42. My BIA!
  43. All my other friends - I could list about 1000 names here - but I know I would leave someone out
  44. My friends' families
  45. My facebook friends
  46. People who read my blog posts
  47. All the sweet notes on facebook today wishing me a Happy Birthday!
  48. All the sweet texts, messages, phone calls I have recieved today wishing me a Happy Birthday!
  49. Flowers on my desk today!
  50. Flowers in general
  51. My health
  52. My Honda
  53. Keeton's work - PlainsCapital, his co-workers and bosses
  54. Lakes
  55. Rivers
  56. Pizza
  57. Sushi
  58. Chips and salsa
  59. ALL FOOD really!
  60. Laughter
  61. Love
  62. Make up
  63. Jewelry
  64. Shoes
  65. My cloths and all the ones I want too!
  66. Fingernail polish - I'm obssessed
  67. Medicine that makes people better
  68. BOATS
  69. Red Bull
  70. The Dallas Mavericks
  71. The NBA
  72. Happiness
  73. Air conditioning - important in TX
  74. Heaters - for when I get cold, ha!  Not often....
  75. Money
  76. Stocks
  77. My mutual fund
  78. Insurance
  79. Retirement accounts
  80. Purple pens!
  81. Vacations
  82. Beaches
  83. Movies
  84. TV
  85. Cable
  86. Computers
  87. Internet
  88. iPod
  89. iPad
  90. iPhone
  91. Printers
  92. My camelbak water bottle
  93. Wisdom
  94. Courage
  95. Strength - emotional and physical
  96. Headbands and headwraps
  97. Music
  98. Peace
  99. Security
  100. Sleep
Ok I am going to stop at 100 - I am sure I forgot some, but that is a good amount!!!  Have a great day everyone and be thankful for the things you have in your lives!