Friday, March 9, 2012

KONY 2012 - My thoughts....

Well yesterday, I took 30 mins. of my time and watched this film -

It has been ALL OVER facebook and I have seen it everywhere.  My curiosity got the best of me.  It was amazing and very touching.  You just have to watch it to understand.  So, I go on to post it on my facebook wall.  Immediately, I get a wrath of negative comments about it.  Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but come on people -somethings just need to be kept to yourself.  The first one was a this pic posted on my wall.

Ok, so I deleted it from my wall and the guy that posted it.  Why?  Offensive - not to me, I can get over it, but offensive in general.  The statement is pretty much true - I have never known anything about the poor kids in Uganda - plain and simple and I admit that.  However, that is the whole point of this campaign - TO RAISE AWARENESS!!!!  So it worked. 

Now, there has been all this negative press about how the Invisible Children Campaign is all fake, a scam, blah blah blah.  The creator drives an expensive car, etc.  Now, that may look bad and I get that, but who are we to judge what this guy drives?!?!  HE DESERVES IT IN MY OPINION!  He is risking his life, his family's life, etc. to try and help these children and he is a doing an amazing job at it!  I love facebook and everything it allows people to showcase (for me - this), but people need to have respect what other's believe in.  I also realize there is just concern that I am not personally scammed - and again, I DO appreciate that part. 

I did donate money to this cause and I do believe in what these people are doing and have a huge amount of respect for them.  So far all the critics - take a look at this and saf.

At least people are talking about it - including the critics!  No such thing as bad press right?  People always try to tear down good things - we should all know that!  Same thing just happened with all the drug busts at TCU. 

Point made....