Monday, March 5, 2012

Weekend Recap

This past weekend was one of the best weekends I have had in a long time!  We got some many things accomplished and had some down time as well.  It makes me feel so good, I just had to share! 

Friday - Keeton and I spent the evening together, just us 2.  We had dinner out at Razzoo's!  I had to get my crawfish fix and Razzoo's has some of the best crawfish out there, in my opinion.  Pretty low key night, but very nice to have to those every once in a while.

Yum!  Mudbugs!

Saturday - I had lunch with my friend, Kendra and then did a little shopping.  I had lots of gift cards - some from Christmas and didn't spend that much money - always better!  I have been wanting to make some spring purchases and I did!  Here are some of the cute items I bought - all from Old Navy.  I love their summer / spring collections.  I had some gift cards from Christmas I intentionally held on to for this purpose!

Love the sailboat pattern!

Paired with white pants = love!

Pink Infinity Scarf - even perfect for warmer weather

Got my Maxi Skirt!  So cute!!! 

After I got home from running some much needed errands and some retail therapy, Keeton and I were invited to the Mavs game that night.  As you all know we are huge Mavs fans and its greatness when we get to go for free.  Marcel and Karen invited us last year for Game 5 of the NBA Finals and it was amazing, they have great seats and are so fun to hang out with!  Here is a pic from Sat.'s game and a pic of us 4 last year from Game 5!  GOOD TIMES!  After the game, they showed us their new house in Southlake too, so pretty!!!!!

Dirk w/ his infamous fade away shot - see the ball at the top of the pic!

NBA Finals - Game 5 - 2011
On Sat. afternoon - Keeton mowed and weedeated the entire yard - it looks so nice!  He also fixed some sprinkler leaks - much needed!  =)  Joys of being a home owner.... whaaa whaaa whaaa.... And, he also worked on a trash bin is has been building us.  Very nice - looks better than having trash bags on the back porch!  =)  I so appreciate all of the things he does!

Sunday - We slept in a little and then got busy working around the house.  We got so many things done! 
  • Keeton stained the deck that him and his brothers built last summer!  Wish I had a pic to post.  It looks great!
  • Keeton worked on the pool - getting it "summer ready"!!!
  • I planted flowers in our front yard - so excited about these.  I know I planted them a little late for the season, but I hope they will last a couple of months at least.

  • I also planted some "purple queens" in the flower beds by the house - these should last through summer and are really cool.  Since they are dark purple I couldn't capture a good pic of them.  But this is what they look like.  Keeton helped me with these too!

  • I cleaned all the restrooms - no pics, I know - disappointment just set in!
  • Cleaned the sheets in the guest bedroom and made that bed.  We are ready for some guests to come stay with us!
  • Vacuumed all the rugs in the house - 6 to be exact!
  • Dusted everything in the house!
  • Sprayed all the weeds in the yard with weed killer.  I even dug some of them up - the big ones - NASTY things!!!!
We had lots of good outside time this weekend on Saturday and Sunday.  Keeton and I love being outdoors.  And guess what??  SO DOES MAVERICK!  She would stretch out like this and it was so cute!  I guess she liked her belly on the warm cement.  Too cute!  I put her water bowl outside with some ice cubes in it.  She really liked that, it was prob. the first time for her to ever have ice water.  She panted for the first time too!  We had not seen that before.  Hehe... precious!  JUST PRECIOUS!  I love her shadow in this pic too!

I hope all of you had a good weekend too!  The weather was great!  We are def. ready for summer time!!!!  BRING IT!!!!