Tuesday, February 7, 2012

B is for BEST BOWL Commercials - Super Bowl 2012

In college, I majored in Marketing and I always talk about how advertising works on me!!!  Some people could care less - but I pay attention to it all.  Now, I am not going to give you all a lesson in Marketing and Advertising, but know the 2 are different.

According to Wikipedia:
Marketing is defined by the AMA (American Marketing Association) as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to continue or take some new action.

I remember in one of my Marketing classes in college, we seriously discussed the Super Bowl commercials for an entire class period and it was so fun and interesting to me.  I am going to re-live that fun memory in my past with this blog post.

My favorite commercial - Skechers Shoes f. Mark Cuban

Reasons why this one rocks and catches people's attention:
  • To start, it looks like a news cast of some famous race and catches your attention!
  • How cute is this French Bulldog - dogs most often appeal to humans - "man's best friend" and I am on a huge dog hunt right now - trying to find the right one for us, so I even loved this one more b/c of this.
  • Shoes on a dog - I don't care who you are - that is cute and funny!!!! 
  • Racing - first thing I thought of - betting and gambling - how many people do you know that watch the Super Bowl just b/c they have bets going or are on several Super Bowl pots from work, etc.  Another crowd that is sucked in!
  • "Wild Thing" by Tone Loc and the moon dance made famous by MJ - another hit!!  These will always get you up and going!!!  Well, for most crowds.... and you immediately start singing the song too!
  • And then to top it all off, Mark Cuban!  He is so big right now b/c the Mavs are the reigning NBA WORLD CHAMPIONS (and my fav. team too) - can't get any better!  Maybe if Dirk would have been holding the dog instead - maybe better.... lol. 
Next one I loved....

  • Weight loss - something everyone can relate to especially at the beginning of the new year!
  • Again with the dog!  Same thing I said above - dogs most often appeal to humans - "man's best friend" and I am on a huge dog hunt right now - trying to find the right one for us, so I even loved this one more b/c of this.
  • Another great song - everyone knows and can sing along to.
The #1 ranked commercial was the Doritos commercial, where the owner takes the dead cat bride from the dog for Doritos.  Too funny!!! 

I will leave you will a small factoid - a Super Bowl commercial cost 3.5 million dollars, almost $117,000 a second!  WILD, huh???