Friday, February 10, 2012

B is for ShuffleBOARD!!!!!!!!!!!

Where is all started for Keeton - Paddy Red's Shuffleboard table.
Shuffleboard is one of my most fav. bar games to play.  Whenever Keeton and I go to a bar we love if they have a shuffleboard table!  Back in 2009 is when Keeton really became a huge fan of this game and for his Dirty 30 bday bash I wanted so badly to buy him a shuffleboard table.  Well.... little did I know, these tables are SUPER EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!  So, I ended up buying him a blackjack table instead. 

[[For those of you wondering, where would we put this shuffleboard table?  Well... Keeton's fam has a large metal building that has a full kitchen, restrooms, poker tables, a blackjack table, pool table, etc. etc. etc.  They call this place the "Party Barn" - but it is not a barn!  It doesn't house animals or hay!  HAHA.... I know the people in Keeton's fam who are reading this are prob. laughing at me right now b/c I have been saying this for so long.  NOT A BARN!]]   

Ok, so back to the shuffleboard table.... Keeton and the men in his family decided to build one instead!  Yes, they built one!  These guys can build anything, I swear!  I am amazed by these men all the time.  This blog is really all about their table they built a couple of years ago and the fun we have with that table.  Keeton's Papa and MeeMaw used to play this game all the time.  Sweet MeeMaw has passed away now and her legacy still lives on with this table.  They used to keep score on the wall for the REALLY GOOD GAMES/SCORES, check out these scores I took pics of.  I love these.

PP = Papa, Dan = Danny, Keeton's Dad and I love Papa's note, "I beat Dan - 3 games to 1 - Thank You God, Love you, D.A."  D.A. is Papa's real name.  Cracks me up!

Doris = Keeton's late MeeMaw - again, with the "HAHA" - too cute!  That is all Papa.  
Here are some actual pictures of the table the guys built.  It is a 16' table.  Shuffleboad tables come in different sizes.  The 16' option was the best one for this space.  It even has bolts underneath to adjust the table should it get off balance at one end.  Kyle made covers for it a while back and you can see those propped against the wall on the right.  Ignore the blue, beer pong  They buy the actual shuffleboard sand and wax and carpeted the inside.  So professional!  =)

I am not going to go into detail all about the game and it's rules, etc.  I think that may bore you all.  But I just wanted to blog about this table and the fun it brings to my life and my husband's life.  A couple of weeks ago we played all day - literally.  So fun, good memories.  I wish I would have snapped some pictures of everyone.  We really get competitive.  Ok, and just to throw this in - I won that day!!!!!  Danny is def. the hardest to play against, defensive wise.  I love the "Moore Men" in my life for making these fun times possible. 

....everyday I'm shuffling....