Monday, February 13, 2012

B is for in the BEDROOM

Bahahahahaha.... I am laughing out loud on the title of this post, got your attention didn't I?  Get your mind out of the gutters.  No, but for real, this post is about our master bedroom!  Haha... and I know you are still laughing at me.  Ok, remember, I post about things that are important to me.  The other night I walked in my bedroom from my living room to get ready to go to bed and this sense of calm just came over me!  I thought, oh... I am so blogging about this!  Now, remember my blog, my opinions.... some of these things you may not agree with and that's OK.  Ever since Keeton and I have been married and lived together, I have been very big on our bedroom is our haven and so has Keeton.  Now, we don't have kids... so things may change big time once we do, but we have both agreed to try and not let that happen.  A long time ago on an Oprah show, she had a designer on there talking about master bedrooms.  One of the things that really stuck with me is along this same topic, keep your bedroom between you and your spouse and the example I remembered most was to only have pictures of you and your spouse in your bedroom.  For instance, I used to have a pic of my Mamaw on my bed side table.  I love my sweet Mamaw, but that is just not the place for her picture (you all know where I am going here).  Put pictures of just you and your spouse in your bedroom.  I love this idea.  Again, it really enforces your bedroom just being you and your spouse's haven, no one elses.  I also, like that sense of calm and ease as soon as I enter my bedroom.  I, of course, keep it very clean and smelling good!!  I also do not have alot clutter everywhere, well I don't have alot of cutter anywhere in my house when you get right down to it.  But in the bedroom, I have nothing extra laying around except the necessary items.  My walls are very simple too.  Not alot of crap hanging on the walls everywhere.  For those of you who know me well, I like lots of pics everywhere, so this is very different for me, but oh so worth it and Keeton really appreciates it too.  Sweet, simple and clean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

One of the things in our house, that is a little different from most is there is tile throughout the entire place, even in the bedrooms.  This probably wouldn't have been a choice I made, but it works.  I think eventually we will get a rug for our bedroom, which will make it even more warm and cozy.  I also want to get larger lamps, for height - but these were wedding gifts and free - free, is always the best!  =)) 

Here is our awesome, comfy, king sized bed.  Oh and I am huge fan of sateen sheets.  Not satin, sateen.  SO SOFT and never too hot or cold.  I had the paint on the walls matched to our bedding.  The bedding was also all wedding gifts which is amazing!  You can't see out the window, but that is the pool outside the and a great view.  Again, makes it relaxing when you walk in to have a nice view.  We will prob. hang curtains at some point over the shades, just haven't found anything I love.  The shades came with the house - big plus!  Also, you will notice, not alot hanging on the walls.  I have a 11x14 pic of Keeton from the wedding on one side of the window and a 11x14 bridal of me (not shown) on the other side of the window.  Again, all about us! 

Snapped this pic to show our furniture.  I love our bedroom furniture!  When we moved into the house, I told Keeton I really wanted a MATCHING bedroom suite.  This is something neither of us had ever had and it was important to me.  You will also see here a metal piece on the wall (thanks Foster fam!) that matches the bedding almost perfect.  You will see another pic of us and this couple sculpture thing I love - another wedding gift.  =)  [Decorating tip - always decorate in odds, I like 3's personally]  I have a candle going most often.  And... see that box, perfect solution for Keeton's stuff so it isn't spread all over the top of the dresser.  I don't care whats in there as long as it is IN THERE!!!!  Keeton is great about keeping his stuff picked up though, I really lucked out with that and that is all thanks to his Momma!!!!!!!!!! 

Last pic, I will share is our wall across from our bed.  All the items on the wall - wedding gifts - we are really blessed.  Love the cross in the middle and a little higher than everything else - most important and center of our marriage.  Simple and clean.  You will see another little couple statue on the media stand - all about the hubs and me.

On Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw didn't even want a TV in her bedroom.  I do like this idea - goes back to making the bedroom all about you and your spouse, but I am not perfect!  Hello!!!! 

I know some of you may think I am crazy posting about my bedroom - but I am telling you I love it!!!!  I just had to share!  Good stuff!