Monday, January 30, 2012

Friendship Series - Part I

I am going to embark a series of 3 posts about friendship. Friendship is something near and dear to my heart and I really pride myself on being a good friend to others. I also have some amazing friends I am very thankful for. I am also going to allow comments on these 3 posts - something I don't do often, but I would like your input and/or feedback. 

What has triggered me to do this is recently I went to a session at church called “Friend Me” and it was as amazing as I expected. Here was the description for the session I attended:

The Greek philosopher Aristotle was once quoted as saying, “The desire for friendship comes quickly. Friendship does not.” Wouldn’t he find it interesting to realize that maintaining friendships is still a struggle — even in the 21st century? Join us for this Women in the Workplace event focusing on practical steps to making friends and being a friend — at work, at home and every place in between. We’ll cover a lot of ground from the benefits of friendship, its biblical priority and even modern-day social connectors like Facebook and Twitter. Assistant Minister to Women Ashley Freer, a communications specialist, will chat with us about the soft spot we share: the need for friendship.

So after reading that of course I was hooked! I had to go!

Ashley Freer started off by saying that she was not a professional friend and I will do the same, I am not a professional friend, I just loved some of the things she shared and wanted to share them with yall. I am not in the business of judging (remember, God’s job ONLY) – but I do have some strong opinions about friendship I may share here and there.

*My 1st post on friendship is going to briefly talk about some interesting facts about friendship.
**My 2nd post will detail the benefits of friendship and how to work at maintaining good friendships.
***My 3rd and final post will talk about friendship within the Bible along with how social media has changed friendship.

Some interesting facts about friendship:

  • Typically there are 3 types of friends – (1) sidekicks, (2) allies, (3) good girlfriends.
  • The yellow rose symbolizes friendship.  (as seen above ^^^)
  • Statistically most people have 2.03 close friends – not sure what that .03 is, but I find this to be generally true.
    • 48% of people have 1 close friend
    • 18% of people have 2 close friends
    • 29% of people have 3 or more close friends
    • 4% of people report they have 0 close friends – this makes me sad
  • Men usually have “casual” relationships.
  • Women usually have “emotionally wired” relationships.
  • It has been proven that time with your friends, reduces stress levels and heart rate.
I think these are all things that we should consciously think about when we start thinking about what friendship is - how it affects us, what type of friend is this person or that person and hold them to those standards vs. higher ones or even lower ones. Truth is no one can love you or hurt you like a friend.

Post #2 coming soon!  ((my favorite of all 3 posts))

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo

***Warning - if you haven't attended the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo and plan to - this will be a total spoiler for you and you may not want to read it.***

This week we went to the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo - well really, just the rodeo.  It is a tradition in Funky Town (116th year) and I really enjoy going - for the most part!  I already posted all my pics on facebook, so some of you may have seen them all already.  Keeton and I always bet on everything and I won the money this year!  I won every category we bet on except 1 - in turn I won $20!  AWESOME!   

Here is the low down on the rodeo....

Grand Entry - so awesome!  Anyone who is anyone in Funky Town rides on a horse around the arena, the 6 Flags Over TX are all on display, etc.  Always really pretty!

Bareback Bronc Riding was next - pretty cool, I guess - I am not crazy about this one or anything.

Calf Scramble - this one always cracks me up!!!  4H students running around trying to catch cattle - who thinks of these things?!?!  BUT - they do get scholarships - so I guess that is some good incentive to catch a calf!  And, there was someone from Athens 4H - WHOOP WHOOP!  Representing A-Town!  I didn't know who it was though.

Steer Wrestling - not a fan of this one... I don't like seeing those poor little calves getting slammed down on the ground and their neck all twisted and turned.  So no pics of this one.  And, for all you rodeo fans, I know this is just part of the game - but it doesn't mean I need to enjoy it.  =(

Wild West Express - this was pretty neat, except 1 flaw.  These are 4 siblings, the sister being the oldest and then 3 younger boys who ride around on horses and a pony doing tricks on them.  Pretty cool, Except the 10-12 year old boy pulled the horse too far down at one point and in turn the boy flew off and the horse literally did a somersault flip.  It was so scary!  Both were fine - but dang!  The whole time the father of the children stands in the middle of the ring yelling for the horses to go faster, etc.  Def. a different type of family life for this crew, but neat in some ways.  I couldn't capture any pictures b/c they go so fast!  I did get this one at the end though.

Team Roping - def. one of my fav's.  This is just really cool to me and you have to have some serious team work (obviously "team" roping) going on, communication, etc.  A few years of my child hood I grew up going to Booger Barter Team Ropings (RIP Booger) - he was a friend of my family, those were good times and good memories. I met George Strait at one of those rodeos and one of his horses.  I told him he could braid good for a "boy!"  HAHAHAHA!  That still makes me laugh out loud!

Saddle Bronc Riding - same thing as bare back minus the saddle - duh.... nothing new here.

Tie-Down Roping - my least fav. of all!  This again - just sad to watch those little calves getting slammed around.  And, I had the "joy" (sarcasm) of seeing a little calves leg roped on accident and it broke.  They had to bring the little cart out to pick him up b/c of course he couldn't walk.  Urgh.... he was prob. shot as soon as he got backstage.  =(  Again, I know its part of the game - but blah!  Don't like it.  My friends have seen worse - snapped necks and the little calf just died right there in front of them. So - no pics here either.

Barrel Racing - my most fav.!  My Mom used to barrel race, so I always think of her.  Those girls are fast and so fun to watch!!!! 

The Wild Child - terrible!  A clown and the announcer talking back and forth for like 10 minutes joking about him riding a dirt bike and doing ONE jump over a trailer.  Boring!

Chuck Wagon Races - always really fun to watch!  I am so surprised at those horses and drivers ability to keep everything from just falling over and crashing.  They always have the sponsors names on the wagons and most of the time PlainsCapital (Keeton's bank) has one, but they didn't this year.  They did sponsor the event though!  Oh well - still fun.  I liked the Dickies white horses the best.

And lastly, bull riding!  Always the main attraction and that's why they do it last, I guess.  I enjoy this when no one is hurt.  [[No one was hurt this year.]]  After the last bull rider went the clowns messed around with the bull and I got some funny pictures.  This bull was pissed and ready to pounce.  He was kicking dirt up with his legs and everything! 

Overall, we had a fun time - OF COURSE!  We are going back again 1 more time and I plan to wear my cowboy hat!  I bought this hat for the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo and wear it once a year!  Yall know I am no cowgirl - but it is so cute!  Ok...ok... last picture! 

Friday, January 27, 2012

B is for Blue Sushi....

Blue Sushi Sake Grill is my favorite sushi place here in Fort Worth, well any where!  I love it!!  Tonight, Keeton and I have a double date planned to go and I am super excited, as usual.  This place is literally blue all inside from the lights and the sushi is yummmm!  They have a great atmosphere, with good music, that you can actually hear.  I am firm believer music makes or breaks a party, bar or restaurant!  You do have to make a reservation to this place, but who cares - that just tells you how it awesome it is!
Their website states it this way - Blue Sushi gives traditional sushi an American attitude.  Love that.  They also have the Sake Bombers Lounge, which is pretty neat.  It is 1/2 of the building with a full bar that extends the length of the restaurant.  They have cool specials with a reverse happy hour starting at 10.30pm.  Something different - I like.  We usually just go for dinner - but all people have different interests, so I wanted to mention it.

Here is the website - check it out!  Blue Sushi Sake Grill

I have included some pictures below as usual.  =)  Next time you go out for dinner in Funky Town, you should totally try it!  Remember, make a reservation!  Oh and one last thing - they will not split checks!

No, this wasn't all mine!!

Black Tuna - a must have - like dessert - literally melts in your mouth!

Favorite roll - on the right - "Super Asparagus" 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

B is for Ryan BINGHAM

I know most of you who have been following my blog have noticed the whole "B" theme and so now in my daily life I think of things that start with "B" that I would like to blog about.  This blog is one of the first "B's" I thought about!  Ryan Bingham is one of my all time favorite musicians... EVER!  I am a total music junkie and like lots of different kinds of music, but Ryan Bingham is just a bad ass, plain and simple.   
Currently, RB has no tour dates scheduled, but he will likely head to Funky Town when he does tour - fingers crossed, anyways!  Here is a pic last time he was in FW.  AHHHH!!  SO GOOD!

So here is some history on Ryan Bingham - yes, I did some research - I don't just have these facts coming out of my .... well, head I guess.....
  • Ryan Bingham collaborated with Grammy-winning producer T Bone Burnett on the soundtrack for the 2009 acclaimed film Crazy Heart, including notably co-penning & performing the film’s award-winning theme song "The Weary Kind". The title track earned Bingham an Academy Award, Golden Globe Award, and Critics' Choice Award for “Best Song” in 2010,as well as a Grammy Award for "Best Song Written for a Motion Picture, Television or Other Visual Media" in 2011.  As a result of his monumental year, the Americana Music Association honored Bingham with the organization's top award in 2010: “Artist of the Year”.
  • He has released 3 albums - Mescalito (2007), Roadhouse Sun (2009) and Junky Star (2010) - my favorite is his first, Mescalito.  Check it out here - Mescalito
  • Ryan Bingham was born in Hobbs, NM and grew up in Texas. He currently lives in Los Angeles, CA.  I really wouldn't consider him "TX Country" - but it is cool he grew up in TX though!!!  REPRESENT!
  • Texas Music Magazine stated that "Bingham talks and sings with a whiskey-and-cigarette throat that screams hard living. Hard in a way that can make a 29-year-old sound like a 50-year-old."  He has such a cool voice - very raspy and different.  One of the main reasons I like him so much!
  • Wikipedia refers to his genre as "rock"
  • Ryan Bingham joined back up with his band The Dead Horses to release their third studio album Junky Star on August 31, 2010. The album debuted in the Top 20 on the Billboard 200 Chart & in the Top 10 on the Billboard Rock Album Chart, making Junky Star Bingham’s highest charting & most successful release to date.
Like that piping on that shirt - just saying!
Here are some of my favorite lyrics from some of RB's songs (he writes all of his songs - which is rare these days):
Ever Wonder Why ((Keeton's fav))
Everybody's troubled with the hustle and the bustle
The payment on the house is late
If I ever have a problem like that
I guess I'll be in pretty good shape

Hard Times ((sidenote- I think we can all relate with this one!  Looking for someone to blame - when the problem is really your own)) 
When I was young my daddy said, Son
Never be ashamed of where your from
There's nothin wrong with your last name
Don't be lookin for people to blame

Bread and Water
I've been to California and North Carolina,
Hung with the hippies in Austin and the cowboys of Mexico.
I've laid up in Fort Worth with beautiful ladies,
Hitch hiked on down 281 and hit the rodeo in San Anton...
In the back of a Ranchero, I rode down to Laredo,
Had a good time at the la posada, yea you know I was left alone.
On a rig out of El Paso, rainin' down in Houston,
Told the truck driver put the pedal to the metal cause Houston gets me down.
On down to Louisiana, Whiskey River Landing,
Crawfish pie and eat jambalaya with a big ole coon ass smile

Alot of his lyrics are pretty low and almost depressing, but I still love them - not like they all speak to me or anything!  HA!  But he does state this at the end of one of his songs and I like it alot:
And I hope everybody had a real good time
I hope I didn't bring you down
These ain't sad songs
So don't take 'em wrong

And lastly, I will leave you with a video CNN just posted about him.  He talks about developing his musical style and his unique, scratchy voice.  If CNN is talking about you - you must be pretty awesome! 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wedding Album!!!!!

So I couldn't wait to post this blog!  Tonight we received our wedding album in the mail!  So exciting!  We got married a year and a half ago and it took me a long time to find the right album for the right price.

[[Side note: I always tell brides make sure your wedding album is included in your wedding photography package!  We didn't do this and figured we would purchase it after the wedding, well I have news!  You will not feel like spending any more money after the wedding is over... so in turn, we never purchased one.]]

Anyways, I was really skeptical ordering the album online and not being able to touch it or see it in person.  1st step - I figured out I wanted a "flush mount photo album" then googled that phrase.  I totally lucked out and found Nations Photo Lab - it was the #1 choice on the google search.  The website is a little overwhelming, I will admit.... and not so user friendly.  Nations Photo Lab Website  Once you are on the website, you actually have to download a program onto your computer to be able to upload the photos, etc.  At that point, you pick out your pictures and DESIGN ALL YOUR OWN PAGES!  That was a huge plus for me!  It took me a little time to do it, of course!  BUT SO SO WORTH IT!

So.... onto my photo album.  We choose a 12x12, 24 page album with an acrylic cover. I can not explain how nice it is!  The cover is amazing, it's almost like glass!  The pics are printed on thick pages (I chose white backgrounds) and the entire album has a 100 year guarantee - I think that will do for us.  The album probably weighs about 8 pounds - really good quality!  Now, I am no professional, but as long as I am happy, I think we are good here!  Ok... ok... so costs.... see this page - Pricing  The pricing is really reasonable!!!! 

Here are the pics I took of it, hopefully you can get the picture!

Acrylic cover

Trying to show you the thickness of the pages & cover

Inside front and back covers

Back and binding - black leather - really nice too!

B is for Boston Terrier

Hey everyone!  I have been researching like a crazy person about this whole dog thing and I have finally made a decision!  My first pick for a new dog is a Boston Terrier!  If you read my post, B is for Breed you will see all the factors that have gone into making my decision.  The one big thing that has changed is an indoor or outdoor dog.  Keeton all of the sudden [[OUT OF NO WHERE]] said he was re-thinking the whole "inside dog idea."  I was shocked!  I have always wanted an inside dog, but def. thought the idea was a no go!  I always grew up with inside dogs, some I liked and some I didn't, but that is what I am familiar with.  I worry about outside dogs barking too much or digging out.  Of course, these things are just concerns b/c I am unfamiliar with outside dogs, but still... it caused me some anxiety, not going to lie.  For an inside dog, I def. do not want a puppy.  I take great strides to make sure my house is clean, nice, neat, organized and smells good!  Likely hood - a puppy would destroy all of those things.  So I want to adopt a young, not puppy, Boston terrier.

Some other positive things about Bostons (for us):
  • typically small, compactly built
  • gentle breed that typically has a strong, happy-go-lucky and friendly personality
  • generally eager to please their owner
  • can easily be trained given a patient owner
  • the modern Boston Terrier can be gentle, alert, expressive, creative, and well-mannered
  • both females and males are generally quiet and bark only when necessary
  • having been bred as a companion dog, they enjoy being around people, and if properly socialized, get along well with children, the elderly, other canines, and non-canine pets
  • typically they do not shed much - something really big for me!!!!  I shed enough for my house!!!! 

My only concern about a dog is it interfering with my social life - of course!  But, I need and want to enjoy coming home to something that needs me to take care of it.  And not a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Just kind of preparing for the whole baby idea, ya know??  I will be a great Mom to a dog and I will take care of it, love it, play with it, walk it, etc.  I REALLY JUST CAN NOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay tuned for more updates on our doggie selection!!!! 

How cute is this?!?!?!  But, remember... no puppy for this girl!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Taking Compliments...

Today's post is going to be a quickie!  One of my professors in college once shared with our class something that stuck with me!  "If someone gives you a compliment, accept it, thank them, move on."  One of my pet peeves is when people don't accept it.  Are you calling me a liar????  Lol... well... really, they kinda are!  I have a co-worker that always gives compliments and I notice it.  It literally can make someones day brighter! 
I can't say I am not guilty of this on some occasions... like when I feel huge and Keeton tells me I look hot!  YEAH RIGHT!  How could he possibly think that?!?!  But apparently he does, I just try my hardest to keep my trap shut and thank him.  I try to compliment people on a daily basis and guess what... if they don't accept it, I don't compliment them again. 
So, remember if someone compliments you, they truly believe it themselves, so just accept it, thank them and don't disagree with them.  It's rude!

Monday, January 23, 2012

B is for Brick

Since I have started working back at TCU (my Alma Mater), I decided I should finally go find my brick I paid for when I was a senior.  It's part of a program where you donate $50 and you are part of a "Senior Legacy".... pretty cool!  Here is mine almost 6 years later!  And my maiden name.... ahhhh.... weird!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

B is for Blackjack

Since we recently took a trip to Shreveport, I figured I would dedicate a blog post to my favorite game, blackjack!!  I love playing blackjack!  I def. hate playing the slots and I know they are way popular, but tend to eat my money quickly and just piss me off, plus I really don't understand what is going on with those machines.  They seem a little all over the place, they could hose you and you would prob. never know and you couldn't really prove it either.  OK, back to blackjack.... blackjack has some very easy, simple rules my KeeNasty taught me and with these it is very EASY and FUN to play!
  • If the dealer is showing between a 2 and a 6 and you can hit without busting (11 or less), you hit.
  • If the dealer is showing 7 or more and you have 16 or less, you hit.  Some people don't like hitting 16, but I always do.  I am gambling, what the hell!?!?!  Usually people will say, you either always hit 16's or you always stay on 16's.  Pick one or the other - otherwise, your fellow players may get mad at you.
  • Always split Ace's and 8's.
  • I like to double down on 10's and 11's - unless the dealer is a showing a 10, I sometimes hesitate. 
Now, if I have thoroughly confused you... sorry, but blackjack is so fun!  ENJOY!!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Event Planning = MY HEART

As many of you may know, I have a huge passion for planning and organizing anything!  About 3 months ago, I landed my dream job!  I am now an official "Event Coordinator" at TCU for Donor Relations and I love it!!!  Recently, at work I have been doing so many fun things, I thought I would share some with everyone. 
  • Setting up a tasting with our catering dept. for 3 events we are holding in March (2 dinners, 1 lunch) - look at the yummy stuff we are going to be tasting!  This will make you hungry!!!
    • Mixed Green Salad with Cherry Tomatoes, Candied Walnuts and Feta Cheese
    • Sliced Beef Tenderloin
    • Chipotle Mashed Potatoes and Grilled Corn Relish
    • Chocolate Stout Cake with Bailey’s Cream frosting
    • Baby Blue Salad with Fresh Pears with Balsamic Vinaigrette
    • Wilted Spinach Salad with Warm Bacon Dressing
    • Caramelized Apple Stuffed Chicken Breast with Fontina and Bing Cherries
    • Prosciutto and Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken with Orange Beurre Blanc Sauce
    • White Chocolate Mousse in Crisp Tuille Cup with Fresh Berries and
    • Blackberry Coulis Drizzle
    • Cornish game hen plate (no bones) with wild rice and haricots verts (green beans)
  • Setting up a time to go check out table cloths, napkins and chargers - SO FUN!!!
  • Scheduling a time for a person to come look at an event space in regards to set up.  For one of our events, we will have to construct a stage, entrance, reception area and dinner seating.  We will be taking a blank pallet and working from scratch to create something amazing!  I will def. post pics of this one!
  • Pricing and setting up all vendors - everything from rentals, lighting, sound, catering, florist, etc.
  • Speaking of florist - we just met with him in regards to our vision for one of our events.  We are celebrating a 25th Anniversary and we want to incorporate silver as much as possible.  Silver represents 25 years, if you didn't know - So pretty to work with!!!
  • Meeting with a group of people in regards to parking, the flow of people into the event, what entrance would be best and valet.
  • And, I was invited to be on a committee to help plan all the events for our new stadium re-opening and dedication!!  I accepted... of course!  So exciting!  It is going to be amazing, check it out here - Amon G. Carter Stadium
There are so many more things that go into planning a large event, but I just wanted to share a couple of neat things with you.  I have included below some event pics that have come out of our office.  Remember, I have only been here for 3 months - the other people in my office are absolutely amazing at what they do and they def. had the upper hand in the ones I am highlighting below.... 

Leap Frog Event - My First Day at Work

Erma Lowe Hall (Dance Building) Ribbon Cutting and Dedication

Dancing with the Frogs - Clark Weekend 2011

I am so blessed to have a job I love and I thank God every day for it!  =)) 

Friday, January 20, 2012

B is for Happy BIRTHDAY to my sister, Jennifer!!!!

This blog post is dedicated to my sister, Jennifer.  Today is her bday and I hope she has an amazing day!  I love you more than ever, Jennifer!  You are such a great sister, but an amazing Mom and wife too!!  You are an inspiration to me and I will always look up to you - I LOVE YOU and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Homemade Salsa - YUM!!!!!!

Hey everyone!  I just recently made some home made salsa and it is so delish - I had to share!  I got the recipe from a co-worker, so I can't take all the credit.  I literally could drink this stuff.  Here are the ingredients:
  • 1 yellow onion - chopped
  • 2 bell peppers - chopped
  • 6 good sized jalapenos (I take out the seeds and membrane) - chopped. It’s hard to know if the jalapenos are really hot so you might start with 4 and add more if you want them.  I made mine pretty mild and only put in 4.
  • 2 large cans of whole peeled tomatoes
  • 2 cloves of pressed garlic
  • Cilantro - chopped - however much you like
  • Lots of salt and pepper
I used my food dicer to chop everything up quickly and it turned out amazing.  This will make a lot of salsa, so you will have plenty to share, have over time or use for a party!  Here is pic of the finished product!  You really should try it!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

B is for BOLD colors....

So again, I was flipping through a magazine (Cosmo - Jan. 2012, this time) and saw this page of amazing shoes!  I love shoes, just like most girls!  Bold, crazy colors are in now too!  LOVE!

Back in September, I ran across a pair of Jessica Simpson shoes that I just HAD TO HAVE!  But they were a little pricey and I didn't have a real reason I "needed" them.  We had a trip planned for Shreveport and I told everyone if I win a $100 I am going to buy a pair of shoes I totally didn't need.  Well, I lucked out and won some money and bought my totally ridiculous shoes I wanted so badly.  Whenever, I went in a bought them I was a little skeptical if they looked a little "stripper like" b/c of the platform sole and the sweet lady in Dillard's talked me into buying them and said it was the big thing now.  She prob. got a commission, but oh well.  I needed the pep talk!  Well now 3.5 months later, I run across the page in Cosmo and feel like I made the right purchase after all!  HAHA!  I love when that happens, makes it all feel right!  Below is a pic of my bold colored shoes!  Keeton calls them my crayon shoes - whatevs....  Oh and by the way opposed to all my other Jessica Simpson shoes, they are my most comfy pair - NO JOKE!!! 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Strep Throat.Scarlet Fever.Shreveport

Ok peeps - first off - if small things gross you out - you don't want to read this blog post.  This post will be informational to say the least. This weekend has been eventful for me!  So let me start from the beginning....
Wed. evening after work I had to run a couple of errands and I kept getting really hot, like pouring sweat hot and it was cold outside.  I thought this was pretty normal b/c I am always getting hot!  Then on Wed. evening when I got home I noticed this rash on my chest, so I thought for sure - heat rash from getting so hot earlier that night.  It didn't itch of anything, just a little odd.
Thursday and Friday come and go.  Friday evening we head to Athens after work for the weekend.  I have these hot flashes again while we are on our way to Athens - I never thought anything about it b/c I am still feeling fine - just hot!
Saturday morning I wake up at my Mom's house and my throat was a little sore, not too bad.  I thought for sure it was b/c Keeton and I had gone to this really smoky bar the night before and thats it.  Again, I didn't feel sick at all.  Through out the day on Sat. it just felt better and better.  By about 10pm on Saturday night my throat was killing me AGAIN and this was much worse than anything I had ever felt. My body began to feel very achy.  I was so uncomfortable that I just went to bed with a heating pad on my back and legs.
Sunday morning I woke up at 8.30am and my throat was worse.  I could barely swallow or speak without choking on my saliva.  I called some doc in the boxes and found one that was open on Sunday and Keeton and I headed to Tyler and were checked in by 10am.  Something was wrong with me and I had never felt it before.  The doctor comes in and they look at my throat and said yup its strep!  AHHHHH!!! Terrible!  They did the throat swab to confirm and sure enough - strep.  So here is what will really throw the people off that know me well.  I was in such pain, that I asked if I could have the penicillin shot instead of more antibiotics.  My biggest phobia is needles / shots!  So for me to ask for the shot is crazy!  But they agreed and OH MY GOD!  If you have ever had one you know.... but that was KILLER!  I about jumped off the bed, I felt like I got stabbed!!!!!  NOT KIDDING!  After the nurse was finished, she said it was the most painful shot they give - OH THANKS - ASS!!!!!!!  Speaking of ass, mine is still killing me from that shot!  Another reason I wanted the shot is b/c it works so much faster than the pills.  Leon, my Mom, Keeton and I have had a Shreveport trip planned for months on Sunday and Monday and dangit, I still wanted to go.  I asked the doctor about being around smoke, etc. and she said it wouldn't bother me any more than it would normally.  So I was still going to Shreveport.
When making the Shreveport decision, I knew everyone else still really wanted to go - worse case scenario, I would go to the room if I started feeling terrible, plus I was betting on that shot to kick in by that evening and maybe a little whiskey to help with the sore throat.  Well, neither worked out for me and I was back at my hotel room by 11pm taking a HOT BATH!  Everyone else stayed out gambling, I was losing any way so I didn't mind going back to room.  I had really bad sweating attacks all through out the night - which supposedly is a good thing, my body is getting rid of the toxins is what I read.  This is a pic of my throat from yesterday night.  You can see the white spots at the back of my throat - that is the strep crap and everything is red and swollen too!  Ready to get up close and personal with Blair?!?!?  LOL.... don't hate...  I googled images of strep throat and GROSS!!!  This is nothing compared to the pics online of people's throats!  Oh and by the way, I had Mom take this with my iPhone in the middle of a casino, I know people thought we were crazy!  HA - I didn't even care!!!!!  I wanted to see it, is what it boils down to.  Now I am sharing with you - aren't I sweet?

So... today I feel much better, my throat is still very touchy (when I eat or drink), but it is way better!  My body is also not aching, which is good.  I am no longer contagious - after 24 hours of the shot - you are no longer contagious.  As soon as Keeton and I got home, I lysoled, disinfected and washed everything in this place.... door knobs, sheets, towels, EVERYTHING!!!  See my best friends below!  Hehe....

I really hope my KeeNasty doesn't catch it or anyone else I have been in contact with.  IT HAS BEEN BAD!  Here is a pic of my throat today - even closer in....  I am not sure if I see a difference, but def. feel a difference.  That white crap is bad news peeps and my uvulla is swollen!!!!  BAD NEWS!

So as I was reading about strep throat, I learn that scarlet fever usually comes along with it, but not always.  And guess what!?!?  That red rash - boom!  Scarlet fever!  Scarlet fever was once a very serious childhood disease, but now is easily treatable. It is caused by the streptococcal bacteria (strep), which produce a toxin that leads to the hallmark red rash of the illness.  Usually this occurs on the chest and neck and spreads to the rest of the body.  Mine is on my chest, throat and arms.  It doesn't itch and feels sand paperish.  
Here are some links on scarlet fever and strep throat if you think you may have it.  It is going around big time right now and is highly contagious until 24 hours after you have been on meds.  The doctor told me patients don't wait to come in b/c the pain is so bad and it feels like you are swallowing razor blades.
Strep Throat
Scarlet Fever
Here are some of the things that made me feel better:

  • ICE!!!!
  • Anything cold or frozen - drink or food 
    • The doc suggested a smoothie from Smoothie King with added antioxidants and vit. c - YUM!
  • Throat lozenges
  • Heating pad and ibuprofen for body aches 

As for our Shreveport trip, I still enjoyed it for the most part.  Mom and Leon always have all this free stuff at the different casinos - so everything was free for us.  Free room at our fav. hotel - El Dorado, free dinner on Sun. night and lunch today.  Oh and get this - Leon even got 20 bottles of wine for free!!!  YES, 20 bottles.... but here is the catch - they were baby bottles, you know the small ones?  It cracked me up though - who gets 20 bottles of wine for free from a casino?!?!?  Uh... Leon I guess!  TOO FUNNY!  Here is the only (crappy) pic I took in Shreveport.  In front of the Horseshoe they have a big water fountain - kinda like the Billagio in Vegas - but Shreveport style - MUCH SMALLER!  Still pretty... you can get the drift with the pic....

Well, tomorrow I go back to work and I hope I continue to get better - I hope so for that shot I endured.  I also have been sick a lot lately, which sucks!  Today's blog has been a long one - but maybe it will help you out one day, if you get this crap!  Have a good week everyone!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

B is for Bettering myself....

One of the main purposes of this blog is for basic therapy for myself.  I had a family member ask me recently if I ever think about ways to make myself a better person and I can honestly answer that with a STRONG yes!  I constantly question the things I do and say and if you read my first post B is for the Beginning... you will read how it's hard for me to keep my trap shut.  I have become SO MUCH better about this, but it times I still can't seem to master it.  I am ok with that (for the most part), honestly.  I think it is sometime for the best.  I remember the first person who told me some of things I say can be hurtful and I was just dumbfounded, it was back in high school.  I had no idea!  But since that moment, I really do think about it often.  I never have the intention to hurt someone, but sometimes they just need to hear it and I take it upon myself to be the one to tell them.  All in all, I know I am good person and my intentions are in the right place, b/c I think about these things I say (or want to say) ALOT!  I am always praying about it and asking for guidance in directing me toward the "right" thing to say or do and sometimes it is best for me to just keep my mouth shut, but dang it is hard!
So on that note, I will end by saying - we should all really think about the things we say and how we act.  It does effect people in more ways than you may know.  I will keep my end up, that is for sure.   

Saturday, January 14, 2012

B is for Bun(ish)...

So this past weekend, I tried a new hair style.  My hair is extremely thick and really hard to handle.  I like to wear it up most often b/c I get hot easily.  It is also naturally wavy, which is turn I have to straighten it for it to even be some-what manageable.  One positive thing - I do love the color!  My hair color is natural and I have never died it.  I will not put color in it until the day I start graying, then I  So, I put my hair up in a 1/2 pony tail, loop thing... not really sure what to call that and then started pinning.  I think it turned out cute and thought I would share a new, easy hair style for all of you thick haired people out there!  Very easy too!
PS - I asked my husband if he even noticed my new hair style and he said - yes, you usually don't have a massive wad of hair on the back of your head like that!  HA HA - it was large!  Again, peeps I have a mass amount of hair!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

B is for Bow....

Check out this new necklace I bought recently at Charming Charlies for ten dolla - make ya holla! I think it is so cute and I am loving bows right now. It's kinda like a bow tie!

B is for Breed....

So lately I have really been wanting a dog.  I have a very small amount of baby fever and need to nip that in the bud, so I think a dog would do the trick!  However, I want to make sure we pick the right dog for us, but also the right us for the dog.  There are SO MANY things to think about!!!  WOW!  First and foremost, I want to adopt a dog.  So here are some of the decisions we must think about....
  • Indoor or outdoor - well KeeNasty made that decision - has to be outdoor and I am somewhat OK with that...
  • Does the dog need exercise?  Logically I will prob. not be walking this dog EVERY SINGLE DAY, so we need a dog that doesn't go crazy without mass amounts of exercise.  Yes, those dogs do exist.  example - border collie - which I happen to love.... but not happening....
  • Size - well I am not putting a little dog outside, won't happen - so medium or large?  Well, all I can think about with very large dogs is the size of the turds I will have populating my yard - GROSS!  So, I am thinking more along the lines of a mid-sized dog... haha, reminds me of a "mid-sized car."
  • Weather - can the dog handle the extreme weather TX usually encounters?  Mostly, in the summer time.  I really like boxers, but I have heard they have problems in the extreme heat b/c of their muzzles or faces, you know what I mean.... If it was really harsh outside we would let that dog in....
  • Age - have to think about this since we will adopt.  Do I want a puppy?  Well, yes of course!  Who doesn't want to experience that sweet puppy breath, however, they would prob. tear up everything and wouldn't know left from right.  So maybe a grown doggie instead?  This one has been a very hard one for me...
  • Water - will this dog be ok with water??  We have a pool, I don't want to come home and find my dog has fallen in the pool and drowned.... how horrible would that be!
So, see.... LOTS to think about.... I will keep thinking about this one!  When and IF we do get a dog, you can bet I will post all about it!  =)

Any thoughts you would like to share to help me to select the right breed?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

B is for cook Book cooking

Well I am not a huge fan of cooking, but I have recently found the best way for me to cook more, etc.  I enjoy cooking when it turns out great, it is very rewarding.  So, here is what I think is going to work best for me for the long haul.  I have recently been introduced to this new cook book my boss created.  I love it!  I have been going through it daily and making new recipes.  I have figured that I will go through 1 cook book at a time and continue to do so until I have gone through all of them and then start back over.  This creates some what of a check list type thing for me and I dig it the most baby!  And so does the hubby.  I wanted to share with yall, my favorite (and everyone else's favorite) recipe I have done so far.... props to Nancy Madsen for this one!  It is so easy too!!  WHICH I LOVE!

Poppy Seed Chicken
6 chicken breasts, cooked, skinned and pulled into strips
2 cans cream of chicken soup
1 cup sour cream
8 ounces Monterrey Jack cheese, grated
1/4 cup water
3 tablespoons poppy seeds
2 rolls Ritz crackers, crushed
1 1/2 sticks of butter

Arrange strips of chicken in the bottom of a casserole dish. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir together soup and water in a saucepan over medium heat to remove all lumps. Remove from heat and add sour cream. Stir in cheese and 1-1/2 tablespoons poppy seeds. Pour over chicken strips. Mix together remaining poppy seeds, melted butter and cracker crumbs. Sprinkle over chicken and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

NOTE: To cook chicken breasts, put in a large pot with water to cover. Bring water to a boil and cook chicken until it is tender when you insert a fork in it (probably 20 to 30 minutes or so). You can avoid this step by buying canned chicken, but fresh is always better!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Red is the New "it" Color.... apparently...

So I was flipping through a magazine the other day and noticed this page of all this cute red stuff.... well, I have always been a fan of red (hello!  I am a red head) and def. try to stay on tune with what is in style, etc. so I loved everything on this page!!!!  Especially the somewhat cheap jacket from Forever 21!  So, I go on the Forever 21 website (pretty much immediately) to make the purchase and the product is no longer available.  What in the hell??  The magazine was just published.... so frustrating!  But how cute is everything else?  I like the purse a lot too!  It reminds me of the Hermes Birkin bag a little.... but way LESS expensive. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

B is for the Beginning....

Hello everyone and welcome to my brand new blog. I have thought about doing this for a while now and finally made the decision to actually go through with it. For those of you who know me personally, I am an extremely honest, opinionated and an outgoing person. However, sometimes my thoughts consume me and thank God for people like my husband and close friends, I realize I can not vocalize everything that is on my mind. I really would like too. I have learned that journaling is great for my cause and I pray a lot for guidance. I will not put anything too terribly personal on my blog, for the sake of the loved ones in my life. However, I think this will be like therapy for me in some ways. I live a crazy, busy life and enjoy it by all means, but it is intense. I am going to use this outlet for my own personal reasons, but also to keep the people in my life (who care) updated with my day to day craziness. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and everyone encounters certain people and activities simply b/c it is a "God thing." I also want to make clear that I am not blogging to be judged. If you don't like what you are reading, then simply close the window. God is the only person who should be JUDGING people! And on another note, I am the world's worst speller, if you are offended by my spelling or grammar, well again close the window. ((**factoid - Einstein was a horrible speller**)) Is "speller" even a word?

So one might ask - why not just use facebook? Facebook is set up in a way that you see my posts regardless if you really care of not. The people that will be reading my blog with have to make an effort to read it, in turn they probably actually care. I will still use facebook - it will just be used very differently than this blog.

I have a feeling as I grow older and my life's circumstances change, my blog will change. I am not going to tie this thing down to one common theme - I think you and I would all get bored with that. So that being said, my blog will be a little ALL OVER THE PLACE - can you dig? Some days my blog may be short and sweet and sometimes long and lingering. And I will prob. not allow comments on most of my posts... well just b/c of that judging thing AND there are some mean spirited people out there..... OK.... so here goes nothing!!!!!! HOLLLALAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!