Friday, January 13, 2012

B is for Breed....

So lately I have really been wanting a dog.  I have a very small amount of baby fever and need to nip that in the bud, so I think a dog would do the trick!  However, I want to make sure we pick the right dog for us, but also the right us for the dog.  There are SO MANY things to think about!!!  WOW!  First and foremost, I want to adopt a dog.  So here are some of the decisions we must think about....
  • Indoor or outdoor - well KeeNasty made that decision - has to be outdoor and I am somewhat OK with that...
  • Does the dog need exercise?  Logically I will prob. not be walking this dog EVERY SINGLE DAY, so we need a dog that doesn't go crazy without mass amounts of exercise.  Yes, those dogs do exist.  example - border collie - which I happen to love.... but not happening....
  • Size - well I am not putting a little dog outside, won't happen - so medium or large?  Well, all I can think about with very large dogs is the size of the turds I will have populating my yard - GROSS!  So, I am thinking more along the lines of a mid-sized dog... haha, reminds me of a "mid-sized car."
  • Weather - can the dog handle the extreme weather TX usually encounters?  Mostly, in the summer time.  I really like boxers, but I have heard they have problems in the extreme heat b/c of their muzzles or faces, you know what I mean.... If it was really harsh outside we would let that dog in....
  • Age - have to think about this since we will adopt.  Do I want a puppy?  Well, yes of course!  Who doesn't want to experience that sweet puppy breath, however, they would prob. tear up everything and wouldn't know left from right.  So maybe a grown doggie instead?  This one has been a very hard one for me...
  • Water - will this dog be ok with water??  We have a pool, I don't want to come home and find my dog has fallen in the pool and drowned.... how horrible would that be!
So, see.... LOTS to think about.... I will keep thinking about this one!  When and IF we do get a dog, you can bet I will post all about it!  =)

Any thoughts you would like to share to help me to select the right breed?


  1. I have found that dogs that need lots of exercise and does not get it all the time is ok. We have our Lab and Mastiff who both need it and they do just fine with out me taking them on walks. You just have to have a good size yard for them to run and just play fetch. Getting a puppy will help with the baby fever more bc it is like a baby constant taking care of. An older dog might seem to easy. lol. When you look at breeds look for web feet for swimming. Our Mastiff can't swim good so he just floats. But he is so long that at the lake house he can put his back legs down and touch the ground and stand. Hope this helps a little but I love me some dogs!! Good Luck Blair!!

  2. Even an outside dog you will have to compromise on the inside thing because no matter what size you get when it gets to cold or hot they need to be inside even if it means in the garage so keep that in mind..(Harley has three special places for him)..puppy's are amazing and if you want to nip the baby fever that will do it because I can promise you getting up every three hours to take it out is no walk in the ballpark..adoption yes!! So many dogs need a home..there is so much that goes into it if you want to..your dog should be apart of your home and family and it is the best feeling ever to feel their love!! I'm happy for you!

  3. You've got to get a lab. Everything you've described would be perfect for a lab! They love the water, are good in the heat, and are SO loveable!

  4. Thanks everyone! I am def. thinking a lab would be best for us.... at least today I am. I still love boxers though!

  5. If you need additional information, resources, etc. my sorority sister has dedicated her life to dogs. Her website is - caters to DFW metroplex. She has useful additional information that can help you make a decision :) Labs are cool dogs tho!
