Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Taking Compliments...

Today's post is going to be a quickie!  One of my professors in college once shared with our class something that stuck with me!  "If someone gives you a compliment, accept it, thank them, move on."  One of my pet peeves is when people don't accept it.  Are you calling me a liar????  Lol... well... really, they kinda are!  I have a co-worker that always gives compliments and I notice it.  It literally can make someones day brighter! 
I can't say I am not guilty of this on some occasions... like when I feel huge and Keeton tells me I look hot!  YEAH RIGHT!  How could he possibly think that?!?!  But apparently he does, I just try my hardest to keep my trap shut and thank him.  I try to compliment people on a daily basis and guess what... if they don't accept it, I don't compliment them again. 
So, remember if someone compliments you, they truly believe it themselves, so just accept it, thank them and don't disagree with them.  It's rude!