Monday, January 16, 2012

Strep Throat.Scarlet Fever.Shreveport

Ok peeps - first off - if small things gross you out - you don't want to read this blog post.  This post will be informational to say the least. This weekend has been eventful for me!  So let me start from the beginning....
Wed. evening after work I had to run a couple of errands and I kept getting really hot, like pouring sweat hot and it was cold outside.  I thought this was pretty normal b/c I am always getting hot!  Then on Wed. evening when I got home I noticed this rash on my chest, so I thought for sure - heat rash from getting so hot earlier that night.  It didn't itch of anything, just a little odd.
Thursday and Friday come and go.  Friday evening we head to Athens after work for the weekend.  I have these hot flashes again while we are on our way to Athens - I never thought anything about it b/c I am still feeling fine - just hot!
Saturday morning I wake up at my Mom's house and my throat was a little sore, not too bad.  I thought for sure it was b/c Keeton and I had gone to this really smoky bar the night before and thats it.  Again, I didn't feel sick at all.  Through out the day on Sat. it just felt better and better.  By about 10pm on Saturday night my throat was killing me AGAIN and this was much worse than anything I had ever felt. My body began to feel very achy.  I was so uncomfortable that I just went to bed with a heating pad on my back and legs.
Sunday morning I woke up at 8.30am and my throat was worse.  I could barely swallow or speak without choking on my saliva.  I called some doc in the boxes and found one that was open on Sunday and Keeton and I headed to Tyler and were checked in by 10am.  Something was wrong with me and I had never felt it before.  The doctor comes in and they look at my throat and said yup its strep!  AHHHHH!!! Terrible!  They did the throat swab to confirm and sure enough - strep.  So here is what will really throw the people off that know me well.  I was in such pain, that I asked if I could have the penicillin shot instead of more antibiotics.  My biggest phobia is needles / shots!  So for me to ask for the shot is crazy!  But they agreed and OH MY GOD!  If you have ever had one you know.... but that was KILLER!  I about jumped off the bed, I felt like I got stabbed!!!!!  NOT KIDDING!  After the nurse was finished, she said it was the most painful shot they give - OH THANKS - ASS!!!!!!!  Speaking of ass, mine is still killing me from that shot!  Another reason I wanted the shot is b/c it works so much faster than the pills.  Leon, my Mom, Keeton and I have had a Shreveport trip planned for months on Sunday and Monday and dangit, I still wanted to go.  I asked the doctor about being around smoke, etc. and she said it wouldn't bother me any more than it would normally.  So I was still going to Shreveport.
When making the Shreveport decision, I knew everyone else still really wanted to go - worse case scenario, I would go to the room if I started feeling terrible, plus I was betting on that shot to kick in by that evening and maybe a little whiskey to help with the sore throat.  Well, neither worked out for me and I was back at my hotel room by 11pm taking a HOT BATH!  Everyone else stayed out gambling, I was losing any way so I didn't mind going back to room.  I had really bad sweating attacks all through out the night - which supposedly is a good thing, my body is getting rid of the toxins is what I read.  This is a pic of my throat from yesterday night.  You can see the white spots at the back of my throat - that is the strep crap and everything is red and swollen too!  Ready to get up close and personal with Blair?!?!?  LOL.... don't hate...  I googled images of strep throat and GROSS!!!  This is nothing compared to the pics online of people's throats!  Oh and by the way, I had Mom take this with my iPhone in the middle of a casino, I know people thought we were crazy!  HA - I didn't even care!!!!!  I wanted to see it, is what it boils down to.  Now I am sharing with you - aren't I sweet?

So... today I feel much better, my throat is still very touchy (when I eat or drink), but it is way better!  My body is also not aching, which is good.  I am no longer contagious - after 24 hours of the shot - you are no longer contagious.  As soon as Keeton and I got home, I lysoled, disinfected and washed everything in this place.... door knobs, sheets, towels, EVERYTHING!!!  See my best friends below!  Hehe....

I really hope my KeeNasty doesn't catch it or anyone else I have been in contact with.  IT HAS BEEN BAD!  Here is a pic of my throat today - even closer in....  I am not sure if I see a difference, but def. feel a difference.  That white crap is bad news peeps and my uvulla is swollen!!!!  BAD NEWS!

So as I was reading about strep throat, I learn that scarlet fever usually comes along with it, but not always.  And guess what!?!?  That red rash - boom!  Scarlet fever!  Scarlet fever was once a very serious childhood disease, but now is easily treatable. It is caused by the streptococcal bacteria (strep), which produce a toxin that leads to the hallmark red rash of the illness.  Usually this occurs on the chest and neck and spreads to the rest of the body.  Mine is on my chest, throat and arms.  It doesn't itch and feels sand paperish.  
Here are some links on scarlet fever and strep throat if you think you may have it.  It is going around big time right now and is highly contagious until 24 hours after you have been on meds.  The doctor told me patients don't wait to come in b/c the pain is so bad and it feels like you are swallowing razor blades.
Strep Throat
Scarlet Fever
Here are some of the things that made me feel better:

  • ICE!!!!
  • Anything cold or frozen - drink or food 
    • The doc suggested a smoothie from Smoothie King with added antioxidants and vit. c - YUM!
  • Throat lozenges
  • Heating pad and ibuprofen for body aches 

As for our Shreveport trip, I still enjoyed it for the most part.  Mom and Leon always have all this free stuff at the different casinos - so everything was free for us.  Free room at our fav. hotel - El Dorado, free dinner on Sun. night and lunch today.  Oh and get this - Leon even got 20 bottles of wine for free!!!  YES, 20 bottles.... but here is the catch - they were baby bottles, you know the small ones?  It cracked me up though - who gets 20 bottles of wine for free from a casino?!?!?  Uh... Leon I guess!  TOO FUNNY!  Here is the only (crappy) pic I took in Shreveport.  In front of the Horseshoe they have a big water fountain - kinda like the Billagio in Vegas - but Shreveport style - MUCH SMALLER!  Still pretty... you can get the drift with the pic....

Well, tomorrow I go back to work and I hope I continue to get better - I hope so for that shot I endured.  I also have been sick a lot lately, which sucks!  Today's blog has been a long one - but maybe it will help you out one day, if you get this crap!  Have a good week everyone!