Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo

***Warning - if you haven't attended the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo and plan to - this will be a total spoiler for you and you may not want to read it.***

This week we went to the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo - well really, just the rodeo.  It is a tradition in Funky Town (116th year) and I really enjoy going - for the most part!  I already posted all my pics on facebook, so some of you may have seen them all already.  Keeton and I always bet on everything and I won the money this year!  I won every category we bet on except 1 - in turn I won $20!  AWESOME!   

Here is the low down on the rodeo....

Grand Entry - so awesome!  Anyone who is anyone in Funky Town rides on a horse around the arena, the 6 Flags Over TX are all on display, etc.  Always really pretty!

Bareback Bronc Riding was next - pretty cool, I guess - I am not crazy about this one or anything.

Calf Scramble - this one always cracks me up!!!  4H students running around trying to catch cattle - who thinks of these things?!?!  BUT - they do get scholarships - so I guess that is some good incentive to catch a calf!  And, there was someone from Athens 4H - WHOOP WHOOP!  Representing A-Town!  I didn't know who it was though.

Steer Wrestling - not a fan of this one... I don't like seeing those poor little calves getting slammed down on the ground and their neck all twisted and turned.  So no pics of this one.  And, for all you rodeo fans, I know this is just part of the game - but it doesn't mean I need to enjoy it.  =(

Wild West Express - this was pretty neat, except 1 flaw.  These are 4 siblings, the sister being the oldest and then 3 younger boys who ride around on horses and a pony doing tricks on them.  Pretty cool, Except the 10-12 year old boy pulled the horse too far down at one point and in turn the boy flew off and the horse literally did a somersault flip.  It was so scary!  Both were fine - but dang!  The whole time the father of the children stands in the middle of the ring yelling for the horses to go faster, etc.  Def. a different type of family life for this crew, but neat in some ways.  I couldn't capture any pictures b/c they go so fast!  I did get this one at the end though.

Team Roping - def. one of my fav's.  This is just really cool to me and you have to have some serious team work (obviously "team" roping) going on, communication, etc.  A few years of my child hood I grew up going to Booger Barter Team Ropings (RIP Booger) - he was a friend of my family, those were good times and good memories. I met George Strait at one of those rodeos and one of his horses.  I told him he could braid good for a "boy!"  HAHAHAHA!  That still makes me laugh out loud!

Saddle Bronc Riding - same thing as bare back minus the saddle - duh.... nothing new here.

Tie-Down Roping - my least fav. of all!  This again - just sad to watch those little calves getting slammed around.  And, I had the "joy" (sarcasm) of seeing a little calves leg roped on accident and it broke.  They had to bring the little cart out to pick him up b/c of course he couldn't walk.  Urgh.... he was prob. shot as soon as he got backstage.  =(  Again, I know its part of the game - but blah!  Don't like it.  My friends have seen worse - snapped necks and the little calf just died right there in front of them. So - no pics here either.

Barrel Racing - my most fav.!  My Mom used to barrel race, so I always think of her.  Those girls are fast and so fun to watch!!!! 

The Wild Child - terrible!  A clown and the announcer talking back and forth for like 10 minutes joking about him riding a dirt bike and doing ONE jump over a trailer.  Boring!

Chuck Wagon Races - always really fun to watch!  I am so surprised at those horses and drivers ability to keep everything from just falling over and crashing.  They always have the sponsors names on the wagons and most of the time PlainsCapital (Keeton's bank) has one, but they didn't this year.  They did sponsor the event though!  Oh well - still fun.  I liked the Dickies white horses the best.

And lastly, bull riding!  Always the main attraction and that's why they do it last, I guess.  I enjoy this when no one is hurt.  [[No one was hurt this year.]]  After the last bull rider went the clowns messed around with the bull and I got some funny pictures.  This bull was pissed and ready to pounce.  He was kicking dirt up with his legs and everything! 

Overall, we had a fun time - OF COURSE!  We are going back again 1 more time and I plan to wear my cowboy hat!  I bought this hat for the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo and wear it once a year!  Yall know I am no cowgirl - but it is so cute!  Ok...ok... last picture!