Saturday, January 14, 2012

B is for Bun(ish)...

So this past weekend, I tried a new hair style.  My hair is extremely thick and really hard to handle.  I like to wear it up most often b/c I get hot easily.  It is also naturally wavy, which is turn I have to straighten it for it to even be some-what manageable.  One positive thing - I do love the color!  My hair color is natural and I have never died it.  I will not put color in it until the day I start graying, then I  So, I put my hair up in a 1/2 pony tail, loop thing... not really sure what to call that and then started pinning.  I think it turned out cute and thought I would share a new, easy hair style for all of you thick haired people out there!  Very easy too!
PS - I asked my husband if he even noticed my new hair style and he said - yes, you usually don't have a massive wad of hair on the back of your head like that!  HA HA - it was large!  Again, peeps I have a mass amount of hair!!!