Tuesday, January 10, 2012

B is for the Beginning....

Hello everyone and welcome to my brand new blog. I have thought about doing this for a while now and finally made the decision to actually go through with it. For those of you who know me personally, I am an extremely honest, opinionated and an outgoing person. However, sometimes my thoughts consume me and thank God for people like my husband and close friends, I realize I can not vocalize everything that is on my mind. I really would like too. I have learned that journaling is great for my cause and I pray a lot for guidance. I will not put anything too terribly personal on my blog, for the sake of the loved ones in my life. However, I think this will be like therapy for me in some ways. I live a crazy, busy life and enjoy it by all means, but it is intense. I am going to use this outlet for my own personal reasons, but also to keep the people in my life (who care) updated with my day to day craziness. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and everyone encounters certain people and activities simply b/c it is a "God thing." I also want to make clear that I am not blogging to be judged. If you don't like what you are reading, then simply close the window. God is the only person who should be JUDGING people! And on another note, I am the world's worst speller, if you are offended by my spelling or grammar, well again close the window. ((**factoid - Einstein was a horrible speller**)) Is "speller" even a word?

So one might ask - why not just use facebook? Facebook is set up in a way that you see my posts regardless if you really care of not. The people that will be reading my blog with have to make an effort to read it, in turn they probably actually care. I will still use facebook - it will just be used very differently than this blog.

I have a feeling as I grow older and my life's circumstances change, my blog will change. I am not going to tie this thing down to one common theme - I think you and I would all get bored with that. So that being said, my blog will be a little ALL OVER THE PLACE - can you dig? Some days my blog may be short and sweet and sometimes long and lingering. And I will prob. not allow comments on most of my posts... well just b/c of that judging thing AND there are some mean spirited people out there..... OK.... so here goes nothing!!!!!! HOLLLALAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

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