Sunday, January 15, 2012

B is for Bettering myself....

One of the main purposes of this blog is for basic therapy for myself.  I had a family member ask me recently if I ever think about ways to make myself a better person and I can honestly answer that with a STRONG yes!  I constantly question the things I do and say and if you read my first post B is for the Beginning... you will read how it's hard for me to keep my trap shut.  I have become SO MUCH better about this, but it times I still can't seem to master it.  I am ok with that (for the most part), honestly.  I think it is sometime for the best.  I remember the first person who told me some of things I say can be hurtful and I was just dumbfounded, it was back in high school.  I had no idea!  But since that moment, I really do think about it often.  I never have the intention to hurt someone, but sometimes they just need to hear it and I take it upon myself to be the one to tell them.  All in all, I know I am good person and my intentions are in the right place, b/c I think about these things I say (or want to say) ALOT!  I am always praying about it and asking for guidance in directing me toward the "right" thing to say or do and sometimes it is best for me to just keep my mouth shut, but dang it is hard!
So on that note, I will end by saying - we should all really think about the things we say and how we act.  It does effect people in more ways than you may know.  I will keep my end up, that is for sure.