Tuesday, January 17, 2012

B is for BOLD colors....

So again, I was flipping through a magazine (Cosmo - Jan. 2012, this time) and saw this page of amazing shoes!  I love shoes, just like most girls!  Bold, crazy colors are in now too!  LOVE!

Back in September, I ran across a pair of Jessica Simpson shoes that I just HAD TO HAVE!  But they were a little pricey and I didn't have a real reason I "needed" them.  We had a trip planned for Shreveport and I told everyone if I win a $100 I am going to buy a pair of shoes I totally didn't need.  Well, I lucked out and won some money and bought my totally ridiculous shoes I wanted so badly.  Whenever, I went in a bought them I was a little skeptical if they looked a little "stripper like" b/c of the platform sole and the sweet lady in Dillard's talked me into buying them and said it was the big thing now.  She prob. got a commission, but oh well.  I needed the pep talk!  Well now 3.5 months later, I run across the page in Cosmo and feel like I made the right purchase after all!  HAHA!  I love when that happens, makes it all feel right!  Below is a pic of my bold colored shoes!  Keeton calls them my crayon shoes - whatevs....  Oh and by the way opposed to all my other Jessica Simpson shoes, they are my most comfy pair - NO JOKE!!!